Veterinary Drug Residues
Veterinary drugs residues are used within animal husbandry to cure and prevent diseases, and also to increase weight gain and tranquilise during transportation.
Veterinary drugs are a complex group of substances with a couple of hundred actives belonging to different chemical classes and therapeutic areas, e.g. antibiotics, antiparasitics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as phenylbutazone, hormones and, beta-agonists.
BNP offers the most comprehensive range of screening methods from single substance testing to risk-orientated multi-class testing for the full range of veterinary drug residues in trace amounts.
The BNP Competence Centre for Veterinary Residue Testing in Hamburg (BNP WEJ Contaminants) is one of the leading laboratories in the area of veterinary drug residue testing with many years of experience. BNP applies the whole range of modern analytical technologies, such as High-Resolution LC-MS, LC-MS/MS, Immunoassays, etc..
BNP tests all relevant matrices for veterinary residues:
- Meat and meat products
- Poultry
- Crustaceans and shellfishes
- Fish and fish products
- Egg and egg products
- Honey
- Milk and milk products
- Ready Meals
Main analytical parameters for drug residue analysis:
- Antibiotics and antiparasitics: more than 120 actives, including avermectins, amphenicols, benzimidazoles, coccidiostats, quinolones, beta-lactames, macrolides, nitroimidazoles, sulfonamides, tetracyclines, triphenylmethane dyes
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including phenylbutazone
- Hormones and hormone analogues, more than 50 actives including steroid hormones, thyreostats, stilbenes, resorcyclic acid lactones and beta-agonists